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Mrs. Shuttleworth's Excellent Emporium

Average Rating4.14
(based on 50 reviews)

Outstanding teaching and learning resources from a Lead Teacher in English specialising in: * Transactional Writing, * Creative Prose, * Using creative modalities for Reading, * Most Able, * Well Being through English, * Whole School Advocacy Days for Poetry, Reading, Writing, Literacy and WEllbeing * Numeracy in English




Outstanding teaching and learning resources from a Lead Teacher in English specialising in: * Transactional Writing, * Creative Prose, * Using creative modalities for Reading, * Most Able, * Well Being through English, * Whole School Advocacy Days for Poetry, Reading, Writing, Literacy and WEllbeing * Numeracy in English
The Darkness Out There Tea Drinking Sequence Cultural, Literary, Biographical Contexts Study

The Darkness Out There Tea Drinking Sequence Cultural, Literary, Biographical Contexts Study

This PPT resource with embedded worksheets enables students to complete an AO1, AO2 and AO3 study of ‘The Darkness Out There’ for the AQA Telling Tales anthology as part of Paper 2 Modern Texts. The sequence of learning looks at how knowledge of Lively’s writing style, her themes and beliefs, literary and cultural contexts help us to understand the rising action, crisis, climax and resolution of the short story that are contained in the tea drinking sequence. Activities for students to complete throughout and a final task of an extended task response. 2-3 hours of learning here at a grade 5+ level. Great accompaniment to https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-darkness-out-there-literary-contexts-11836384?theme=0 which looks at further literary contexts of the short story as a modern fairy tale.
Learning Mat  Improving Writing Whole School Literacy

Learning Mat Improving Writing Whole School Literacy

Once they’ve done the first draft, it’s the (dreaded?) editing to second draft stage. Take the pain away with this resource. Stop your learners from reducing the skill of editing to mere proof-reading by using this writing editing prompt sheet. It works as a learning mat in its entirity or you can cut and paste sections to focus on one editing detail e.g The Cut or The Add. Wide range of prompts given in each section so plenty of choice for low threshold, high ceiling differentiation. Suitable for the older primary literacy classroom or for use at KS3 or KS4 in English.
Learning Mats Editing, Reading and Creative Writing

Learning Mats Editing, Reading and Creative Writing

3 Resources
Save 57% and support reading, editing of all writing and improve their creative writing. Three learning mats in this bundle. Six Reading Strategies on an A3 Learning Mat to support students independent reading of material in their stretch zone. An A3 grid that improves the evaluable areas of creative writing with quickly applied suggestions. An A3 Learning Mat that details the six skills that are used in editing writing to improve for a final draft. All three resources are described in detail when you click on each resource.
English Literacy Using Sounds in Reading and Writing

English Literacy Using Sounds in Reading and Writing

A full lesson on PPT for use in KS2 Years 5 or 6 and KS3. Helps students focus on how writers use sounds to entertain the reader. Enhances knowledge of sound techniques in writing. Some numeracy activities for cross curricular links included. Great for inclusion in a unit on poetry or as part of whole school literacy during tutor time or as a discrete literacy lesson. Includes focus on alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhythm, rhyme, sound patterning and plosive sounds.
Descriptive Writing Creative Writing Professional Writers' Approach

Descriptive Writing Creative Writing Professional Writers' Approach

Developed in creative writing workshops from my professional creative writing life and transferred to outstanding classroom practice, this learning sequence helps students deal with the tricky middle parts of descriptive writing when things can get a bit flat and students run out of steam. The learning sequence broadens descriptive writing skills beyond the use of ‘regular’ linguistic and structural devices to lift their achievement through the GCSE grades. Plenty of quick delivery and small practice to build a piece of descriptive writing of exam length. All techniques are easily memorable and fully transferable across any piece of descriptive writing. Learning mat embedded into the powerpoint. Hugely methodical in delivery. Students will have a developed piece of writing with opportunities to consolidate learning through a practice task that can be done in class or at home for independent consolidation. Really suits the AQA English Language paper but also sufficiently generic for improving all descriptive writing. Available as a bundle alongside writing great descriptive openings and endings. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/descriptive-writing-move-to-higher-grades-creative-writing-11848472
Transactional Writing Quick Booster or Revision No Frills

Transactional Writing Quick Booster or Revision No Frills

A no-frills ppt that can be used with students just before the transactional writing examination or as a straight forward revision tool for them, especially those you suspect might do very little wlthout you! Covers quick ideas on how to plan, how to introduce the forms, developed and detailed paragraphs, conclusions.
Creative Writing Transition Year 7  Unit Get Them Grade 3+ From the Get-Go.  Put Your Feet Up!

Creative Writing Transition Year 7 Unit Get Them Grade 3+ From the Get-Go. Put Your Feet Up!

Neatly avoiding the ubiquitous ‘autobiography unit’ - believe me, they have already been there and done that at KS2, this PPT sequence of learning has everything you need for the first 3-4 weeks of Year 7, helping them aim for a Grade 3+ story and lay the foundations of creative prose for the remainder of the secondary years. Designed following extensive visits to KS2 classrooms to absorb the rigour and with the aim of avoiding the ‘national dip’ in Year 7. Unit has had a full run through by my department and is pitched at Grade 3 but with support for lower ability and challenge built in to the tasks for higher ability. Covers: Plotting, Character and Setting, Dialogue, Action, Description, Emotion writing, Narrative order and Story Order. Builds to a 300-500 creative prose assessment. Includes the Improving Creative Writing Grid for writing and a Learning Mat for self-editing.
Eduqas Literature Unseen Poetry Preparation Framework

Eduqas Literature Unseen Poetry Preparation Framework

Ease the pain of unseen poetry. Developed using my skills as a professional poet and Lead Teacher in English with an emphasis on calming the nerves of students in this ‘unseen = unknown’ part of the EDUQAS Literature exam. An A3 sheet that includes a framework built around a mnemonic comprehensively covering unseen poetry skills. Differentiated so that the first parts of the mnemonic support lower grades to comment or allow higher grades to give a rapid overview. Moves through to the skills that help Grade 5 achieve - by exploring language closely - and ends by helping extend the achievement of grade 5+ by exploring poetry as a form that is highly structured, employs aural sensibility and enables exploration of how ideas develop over the course of the poem. Rich in terminology to help support extension into AO2 from AO1 ideas. Methodical to use in class for practice and easy to remember in the examination as a framework.
KS2 KS3 Transition Literary Heritage of Children's Books Plus Writing Activity

KS2 KS3 Transition Literary Heritage of Children's Books Plus Writing Activity

Suited to KS2 Years 5 and 6 or early Year 7 as transition work, this unit of work takes students through the heritage of children’s books and leads up to leaflet/webpage writing. Skills included: evaluation, numeracy, plan, edit, draft, publish skills. Dips into Aesop, The Bible, Shakespeare, Gulliver’s Travels and more modern children’s fiction characters to show the timeline of literature read by children. Great for post SATs pre-transition for light-hearted fun linked to NC.
AQA Love and Relationships Framework for Exploring Poems

AQA Love and Relationships Framework for Exploring Poems

Ease the pain of comparing poetry. Developed using my skills as a professional poet and Lead Teacher in English with an emphasis on calming the nerves of students in Component 2 Section B AQA Literature exam. An A3 sheet that includes a framework built around a mnemonic comprehensively covering reading poetry skills. Differentiated so that the first parts of the mnemonic support lower grades to comment or allow higher grades to give a rapid overview. Moves through to the skills that help Grade 5 achieve - by exploring language closely - and ends by helping extend the achievement of grade 5+ by exploring poetry as a form that is highly structured, employs aural sensibility and enables exploration of how ideas develop over the course of the poem. Rich in terminology to help focus on AO2 in poetry. Methodical to use in class for practice and easy to remember in the examination as a framework.
My Polish Teacher's Tie Essay Improvement Activity

My Polish Teacher's Tie Essay Improvement Activity

A part response for improvement by students following three clear suggestions of ways to improve essay style. Suits middle grades 3-6 in particular. Questions asks about the way characters communicate and there is a response that goes some way to tackling Steve’s communication style and self-expression. Students work into the essay to improve it following instructions. Chance to complete the essay and revise given content.
AQA Eden Rock Love and Relationships Poetry

AQA Eden Rock Love and Relationships Poetry

Full teaching sequence aimed at Grades 5-9 for Charles Causley's Eden Rock from the AQA Love and Relationships anthology. Supported for Grade 5 and differentiated for stretch and challenge up to Grade 9. Wide range of activities to suit learner modalities. Easy to follow PPTs for teachers and their learners. Bargain bundle of over 3 hours teaching.
19th Century Non-Fiction Anthology with Exam Style Questions

19th Century Non-Fiction Anthology with Exam Style Questions

A short anthology and workbook of 19th Century non-fiction with accompanying practice questions from the locate and retrieve, thoughts and feelings, how does the writer (writer's craft) style questions with quick and easy to understand tips for students on how to achieve. The workbook would suit a series of twenty minute slots in lessons or a set of homework. Helps build confidence in reading 19th Century non-fiction and exam style questions on the single texts set for the Eduqas English GCSE Component 2 Section A.
Revise Letters from Yorkshire AQA Love and Relationships Workbook

Revise Letters from Yorkshire AQA Love and Relationships Workbook

A five page workbook for students that helps students targeted Grade 5+ take an initial exploration of the poem. Differentiated with vocabulary work, research and additional hints and questions to aid the less confident learner, students can complete this independently in class or as an extended homework. Helps to initiate discussion on the poem and to raise awareness of its literary and biographical contexts as well as the theme of long-distance ambiguous relationships. Makes links with the other romantic love poems.
Character Development in Fiction Generic Worksheet KS2 KS3 Lower Ability KS4

Character Development in Fiction Generic Worksheet KS2 KS3 Lower Ability KS4

Suitable for KS2, KS3 and lower ability KS4 VERSATILE—SUITS ANY FICTION Encourages evaluative thinking Encourages knowledge of character development Encourages evidence finding skills Encourages comparison of character across or within texts Encourages knowledge of character beliefs, qualities, world views and values Includes: Worksheet template Partial worked example of a KS3 novel to exemplify how the activity can be used Certificate for students to award once they’ve evaluated the character developments Follow up activity to encourage AO1 informed personal response and evidence and AO4 quality of expression. The ‘BEFAFTAS’ Awards Activities for Charting Character Development A light-hearted but fully effective set of activities that take some of the ‘grind’ out of tracing character development. This activity is like an award for an aspect of a character that changed the most dramatically from the before (the start of the story) to the after (the end of the story) the ‘BEFAFTA’ Award. Or, you could compare which character out of all the characters in a novel or fiction changed the most over the course of a story to ascertain who wins the ‘BEFAFTA’ Story-Lifetime Achievement Award!
Reflective Learning Tool Versatile and Unique

Reflective Learning Tool Versatile and Unique

The resource preview is presented as a series of samples of permutations of how this self-reflective tool can be used. Full resource on purchase has the mastersheet within it. The ‘Head, Heart …’ tool has been uniquely developed by me as part of my educational practice over the last ten years as a creative consultant and outstanding classroom educator and training deliverer. A generic tool to use during or after any learning sequence for junior students right through the secondary years and any CPD that you deliver or mentoring that you do. It aims to help you and your students understand what they are learning, how they are feeling about their learning, what they would like to change about the learning and what they think will help them in their next or future learning experiences. Based on the whole learner experience, not just who they are in their heads today, the tool helps the teacher get a deeper understanding of who their learners are, how they are responding to learning and the teaching and how they are shaping their learning futures. Enables teachers or trainers to open discussions on emotional well-being, cognition and learning to learn as well as build resilience and manage expectations. Simple for students to engage with and quick to administer either as mini-plenaries or as end of lesson or end of learning sequence plenaries. Potential for building vocabulary to name and separate thinking from feelings and emotions and learn to assert and voice their experience to build increasingly positive experiences in the future. Ways to use the ‘Head, Heart …’ Self-Reflective Tool: • As a basis for ‘voxpops’ • Self-reflective tool • Quick tests of the ‘temperature’ of your teaching for your self-refection • Student voice • Building future learning/career aspirations • Advocacy for the skills used in English and English Literature • Plenaries and mini plenaries • Imagining the experiences of others (empathy work and understanding characters Who and what the tool is suited to: • Suits teachers and learners at KS2, KS3, KS4 and KS5 • Suits evaluation of CPD delivery • Suits anyone in a mentoring role
Revise Tragic Form Starter/Booster 'Macbeth'

Revise Tragic Form Starter/Booster 'Macbeth'

Tragic form in 10 slides to work as an introduction to tragic form in 'Macbeth'. For the AQA, discussion of tragic form can gain marks for AO1, 2 and 3 (tragic form is regarded as a context or perspective with which to consider the text). Memorable 'anchoring' images that support concepts in the PPT. Straight forward to use questioning alongside this introductory resource so that students can provide examples and quotations to consolidate learning. There is a sister resource that accompanies this introduction with booster/revision/introductory notes on Macbeth as a tragic character and a discussion on why the play is not called 'The Tragedy of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth'. This additional material is available at £4 for the full resource. Link to follow.
Free Sample Gothic Homework Menu.  Could adapt to use with Drop Everything and Read follow up.

Free Sample Gothic Homework Menu. Could adapt to use with Drop Everything and Read follow up.

One third of the Gothic Homework Take Away Menu is provided here. Injects a wider range of modalities into the understanding of Gothic Literature. Could be used within lessons in its sample form as a way of opening discussions of student understanding of what they've read. Full resource here: THANK YOU FOR SAMPLING THE KS3 GOTHIC HOMEWORK MENU FULL SET OF 21 MAIN TASKS, BUILDING TO AROUND 50 TASKS WITH CHALLENGE TASKS AVAILABLE AT https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/generic-take-away-homework-for-gothic-units-of-work-at-ks3-11828714